Massimo Ferra trio (kilìm trio)
La strana storia di Teddy Luck
    "Quando mi è stato proposto di far parte della giuria di un concorso, quest'anno dedicato alla rilettura di un mio brano e l'altro del grande Wes Montgomery, sono scoppiato in una grande risata; non mi era mai capitata una proposta simile, e poi, l'idea di essere accostato a uno dei più grandi della storia della chitarra, mi creava imbarazzo. Comunque ho accettato volentieri, conoscendo gli organizzatori, dietro questa proposta non vi erano motivi legati al business.
    Sono rimasto impressionato dal gruppo che ha vinto, il Massimo Ferra Trio. Ho trovato le capacità compositive di questi jazzmen eccelse, le riletture sono state piacevolmente stravolte sul piano della composizione, mantenendo però l'anima dei pezzi originali. Questi tre ragazzi, sono molto abili dal punto di vista strumentale, ma il discorso non si ferma qui, perchè possiedono anche grande fantasia, capacità di imporsi costantemente, senza mai sovrastarsi fra loro."
Intervista a Pat Metheny, La Nuova, mercoledì 17 luglio 1996
Review from Hard bop café, Gordon McGonigal:
"Well, the thing about when people try to sound like me, is that they sound really bad."
- Pat Metheny
(from a "Guitar Extra!" article by Andy Aledort, Spring 1990, pg 56-64)
    That would then be high praise for this offering that clearly brings to mind the Metheny sound while standing firmly on its own  terms and merits. Perhaps he's not really trying to sound like him, but Pat Metheny's influence is obvious in the playing of the lead voice in the band, guitarist Massimo Ferra.  He consistently plays with a hard-edged, slightly twangy and generously reverbed sound. Like Metheny, he is a master of relaxed lyricism, and capable of impressive facility when required.
    The album is nicely paced. It opens with a lazy summer evening feel (perhaps to the setting of an outdoor stage?). The slant here is towards earlier rather than later Metheny. Pretty, catchy, slightly quirky tunes well developed beyond head-solos-head.
    The gems on this album are reserved for the later tracks. Animali is a marvelous composition full of warm resonances. Here the interplay between the musicians shines as the bass weaves lines around and between the guitar's lead and the mixed percussion drives on.
Over its 10 minutes it deliciously winds its way to a climax.
    Neuromancer and the title track that frame Animali are static pieces, tone poems if you will
that provide welcome contrast.
    The one complaint I have about this CD is the unflattering recording of the drums which often robs them of their natural resonance.
    La Strana Storia di Teddy Luck is a satisfying album from beginning to end.  
Reviewed 1997 by Gord McGonigal for the Hard Bop Cafe
01 Miresi
02 Dieci anni dopo
03 Fulmine
04 Devozione
05 Luisa
06 La Strana storia di Teddy Luck
07 Animali
08 Neuromancer
09 Tour de France
demo tracks
click to listen
graphics by Francesca Romana Tore
Massimo Ferra guitar & synth, Massimo Tore bass, Roberto Pellegrini percussions.
Recorded  at AFP studio Oristano (Italy),
may te 23rd - 24th 1996
Winning group at the S. Anna Arresi international jazz competition 1996